Terms and Condition
Please read our Life Service Subscription Terms & Conditions carefully, you agree to be bound by them.
Life is a branded prepaid service (“Life”) offered and managed by MBits Digital Sdn Bhd (Company No. 1125089-T). Contents and/or any third-party services associated with LIFE Prepaid SIM card (“Life Service”) are solely provided, offered and/or managed by MBits Digital Sdn Bhd.
LIFE Prepaid SIM card is offered by MBits Digital Sdn Bhd as a branded prepaid service under the name of "LIFE*".
Life Member is an individual registered under the LIFE* sim card that is managed by MBits Digital Sdn Bhd.
Life e-Wallet is a service offered by MBits Digital Sdn Bhd for LIFE* Members to use as a way to top up their credit and/or subscribe to Life’s prepaid branded service package plans.
Third party services means LIFE* Members will be able to access MBits Digital Sdn Bhd official partner's platforms through the LIFE* Web App.
Additional Terms and Conditions specific to Life will be made available on our Website www.lifetelco.com.my These, including amendments to them, are hereby incorporated as an essential part of these Terms and Conditions, all of which are collectively referred to as “T&C.”
By registering for Life and activating Life Service, you agree that:
You have read and fully understood all of the T&C. Your participation in Life and use of the Life Service, upon activation, constitutes unconditional acceptance to be bound by additional terms specific to various Value-Added Services and these T&C including its amendments. You confirm that you are competent to accept these T&C. You confirm that you are at least 18 years of age. The information you provided for registration is valid and accurate. Additionally, you agree to:
Use the Digi Services and be bound by the terms and conditions in relation to the Digi Services as specified below.
Update MBits of your registration information should there be any changes.
Allow MBits to verify the information provided by you for the registration of MBits and/or Life Membership and activation.
Fully indemnify MBits for any fraud, misrepresentation, unauthorized or unlawful usage of any Life Service through your mobile number which resulted in loss, damage, costs or expenses.
View and listen to MBits to continue providing attractive packages.
Allow MBits to access your account information.
Digi Services
Digi Services means the mobile telecommunications services provided by Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (Company No. 201283) (“Digi”) as part of Life.
In relation to the Digi Services only:-
All terms and conditions in relation to the use of the Digi Services are as set out in https://www.digi.com.my/support/tnc/plans/digi-prepaid/call-plans;
By using the Digi Services, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions and / or fair usage policy (https://www.digi.com.my/support/tnc/general/others/fair-usage-policy) and / or Digi’s privacy notice (https://www.digi.com.my/support/tnc/general/privacy-notice/privacy-notice-en);
The terms and conditions under (a) and (b) above shall collectively be referred to as “Digi Terms”.Digi reserves the right to vary, update and/or revise its terms and conditions in respect of the Digi Services at any time without prior notice. Please do visit Digi’s website at https://www.digi.com.my/ to check on the latest terms and conditions. By you using the Digi Services upon such variation, update and/or revision, you are deemed to have agreed and accepted such variation, update and/or revision.
In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between this Life T&C and the Digi Terms in respect of the Digi Services, the Digi Terms shall prevail to the extent that it is applicable to the Digi Services.
For the avoidance of doubt, Digi shall not be responsible for any services, whether or not such services are provided and managed by MBits on its Life Service, save and except for the Digi Services.
Acceptable Use
You are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur when being Life Membership. In addition, you agree to abide by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission regulations governing the use of mobile services, available at www.skmm.gov.my including but not limited to, agreeing that the Life Service may only be used for lawful purposes. You agree that you will not use the Life Service in a manner which will result in any criminal or civil liability for MBits and/or its related corporations. You are solely responsible for the content which you post or transmit through the Life Service and you acknowledge that or its related corporations are only the conduit for posting, distribution and transmission of data. By way of example and not as a limitation, you agree not to use the Life Service as follows:
for any unlawful or immoral purposes or for any purpose which is against public interest, public order or national harmony; or
to publish or cause to publish defamatory, infringing, obscene or other unlawful material; or
in connection with the infringement of the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights of any third party or intellectual property rights of publicity or privacy; or
to post or transmit through the Life Service unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, privacy invading sexual/racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature
SIM Card
All LIFE Prepaid SIM cards must be activated within 3 days of registration and in Malaysia only. MBits reserves the right to impose a charge for LIFE Prepaid SIM card replacement. Your registered LIFE Prepaid SIM card is not transferable without a written approval from MBits. You will be liable for all terms and conditions in this agreement until MBits confirmed your transfer with a written notice.
Top Up and Validity
Life Members may elect to top up via the top up services provided or made available by Digi. The Life Members shall adhere to and bound by the terms and conditions of Digi at www.digi.com.my.
Members may also top up into the Life e-Wallet via our app or website solely offered and managed by MBits. The validity period for each top up is listed in our web portal www.lifetelco.com.my. You will be notified via our app or website of the top up amount, total available credit and new validity period upon each successful top up. MBits is not responsible for, nor do we refund lost, stolen, misused, or damaged top up vouchers or PINs. All top up purchases are final and non-refundable, regardless of who actually uses or possesses the vouchers or PINs, with or without your consent. In addition, MBits is not liable for any loss or damage due to top up errors caused by the user of the coupon. Top up coupons and e-voucher PINs which have passed the expiry dates will not be usable. MBits is not liable for refunding or compensating expired top up coupons or e-voucher PINs
Third Party Services or Products
MBits is not responsible or liable for any third-party services, contents or products which you access, use or acquire through Life Service or any third-party services or products that MBits has no absolute control whatsoever.
General Terms and Conditions
In addition to the Terms and Conditions contained herein, information published from time to time on Life’s website, relevant to you as a MBits and/or Life Membership and continued use of the Life Service, shall be construed as and shall immediately be read as being part of these Terms and Conditions. MBits is not liable for any loss, damage, cost, personal injury or expenses suffered by you or any third party while utilizing our service as a result of the following:
Matters beyond our control and Force Majeure events, such as but not limited to, act of God, mandate from regulatory authority, war, national emergency, strike, pandemic, diseases outbreak, accident, fire, lightning, equipment and electrical failure and/or malfunction.
Any act, omission, error, default or negligence by MBits or our business partners.
Service outage or downtime not due to the fault of MBits.
Unauthorized access or usage of MBits and/or Life Service by third party.
These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of Malaysia.
The Terms and Conditions herein are subject to change without prior notice and at MBits’ discretion.
To register for Life Service, Life Members shall provide an original copy of their National Registration Identification Card (NRIC) or passport to its appointed authorized dealer if they are on premise. Members’ Life prepaid account shall be deemed successfully registered upon receipt of an SMS confirmation from MBits.
Members must update their personal information stated in such registration with us from time to time when required.
In the event of fraudulent activity, MBits reserves the right to disqualify any registration at its sole discretion.
By registering with Life, Members represent and confirm that they are legally able to enter into the agreement, AND that they have: –
Read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions herein; and
Agreed to use the Life Service according to the terms and conditions as such.
Members’ Responsibility and Obligations
You are required to provide MBits with accurate and complete information and inform us in writing of any changes of the information provided.
You are required to comply with all notices or directions issued by MBits from time to time in relation to the use of the LIFE Prepaid SIM card.
You shall take all reasonable steps to prevent spamming, fraudulent, defamatory, offensive, improper, immoral and indecent actions or illegal use of the Life Service.
You shall ensure the compatibility of your device with MBits’ system and the continued compatibility in the event of changes and/or upgrades.
You shall be fully responsible for any voice or data transmitted or broadcaster by you or persons using your device.
Life’s Personal Data Protection Policy (“PDPP”)
MBits is committed to protect and safeguard your personal data upon subscription of the Life Service in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.
Upon your subscription of Life Service, you will be given choice to agree to our PDPP. You may choose not to accept. However, your refusal to accept or agree to our PDPP may result in inaccessible to Life Service.
The PDPP shall be read together with this Terms and Conditions. Kindly refer to the PDPP section in Life’s website for further information.
Prepaid Subscriber Identification Module (“SIM”) Card
Upon registration via Life’s website, Members will be provided with a LIFE Prepaid SIM card. Risk passes to Members immediately upon successful registration and collection.
Members must not interfere with or destroy the Life Prepaid SIM Card for any reason or allow it to be handed over to any other carrier or service provider without our prior written approval. Any Life Prepaid SIM Card that is lost, stolen or damaged (through no fault of ours or the manufacturer) will require payment from the Members for its replacement, exchange or repair. Any Life Prepaid SIM Card found defective due to faulty workmanship or design may be replaced free of charge once returned to us. Members will be required to pay for all Life Service charges up to the time Members notify us of the loss or theft of their LIFE Prepaid SIM card and their LIFE Prepaid SIM card is deactivated.
Members shall not copy or allow any other person to copy any pre-programmed data of any Life Prepaid SIM Card.
Members are responsible for the safekeeping and usage of their LIFE Prepaid SIM card including the use by any other person whether or not authorized by the Members.
Members must notify MBits immediately upon discovering their LIFE Prepaid SIM card has been lost or stolen or unauthorized use and agrees to lodge a report to Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) or competent authority whenever instructed by MBits and to give MBits a certified copy of such report
Prepaid Account Status, Charges, & Payment
Life Members may check via Digi’s USSD call *128# for the latest information about their talk time credit or via Life’s website. MBits shall not be liable for any loss, damage, costs or expenses arising from Members’ failure to do so. Calls made locally from LIFE Prepaid SIM card to Life call centre +60 16-288 2034 is charged.
Life E-Wallet
In these Terms of Use, the following words have the meaning set out beside them:
“Life*”, “We”, “our”, “us” means MBITS DIGITAL Sdn MBits Digital Sdn Bhd. Bhd., a company incorporated in Malaysia bearing registration number 709922-X and having its business office located at Unit 6-1-1,QUEENS AVENUE BLOCK 6,1ST FLOOR JALAN BAYAM OFF JALAN PEEL ,55100 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
“Life e-Wallet” means the electronic money service offered by MBits to its Members only for the purpose of Life Service, a virtual mobile wallet for cashless transactions such as top up and purchase plan. A Life e-Wallet will be automatically opened for you with MBits for subscribing to the Life Service where your denial or refusal to use the Life e-Wallet will result in inaccessible to Life Service;
“Customer Service” or “Customer Service Team” means those individuals employed by MBits responsible for its customer service function who may be contacted at as stipulated via our contact page.
“Fees” means any and all Fees and charges levied by MBits for your use of the Life e-Wallet and its services.
“Member/You/Customer/Client” means any person who meets all eligibility requirements set out in these Terms of Use;
“Merchant” means any commercial or non-commercial entity that is validly registered with and approved by MBits;
“Self-care” means the self-managed portals to manage your own Life e-Wallet for Life Members;
“Agreement” means this Terms and Conditions including any amendments and variations to the Terms and Conditions;
“Available Balance” means the equivalent of physical money which has the same par value in the system, which you can use at any given time subject to the limits herein imposed;
“Payment Gateway” means the authorized payment gateway appointed by MBits to act as remittance agent for the Life Service;
“Deposit” means the deposit of money in the Life e-Wallet in exchange for the Life Service via payment gateway Channels designated by MBits;
“Transaction” means the Life e-Wallet transaction performed by you via the Life Service including but not limited to purchase or payment for goods or services, deposit, or refund service;
“Service Charge” means the commission and / or transaction charges payable by you for the utilisation of the Life Service (over and above the cost of the goods and services provided, if any);
“Refund” means the request refund for any Transaction completed under the Life Service;
“Withdrawal” means the withdraw from Life e-Wallet;
“Content” means any contest, java games, information text, sound, music, software, photographs, videos, graphics, data messages or other materials.
“Current Balance” means the balance available in your Life e-Wallet for your usage of the Life Service. For the avoidance of doubt, the amount reflected as the Current Balance shall include amounts deducted for pending transactions. You may check the balance in your Life e-Wallet through the Life’s website.
“MSISDN” means the mobile number assigned to you by MBits via Life;
“Prepaid” means the prepaid products and services offered by MBits and other service providers where applicable;
“e-Wallet limit” means the monetary limit per Transaction on Life e-Wallet imposed by Bank Negara Malaysia in the sum of Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred Only (RM200) unless otherwise informed by MBits. MBits reserves the right to amend the Life e-Wallet limit in accordance with the allowable limits set by Bank Negara Malaysia; you are not allowed to exceed the Life e-Wallet Limit per Transaction;
“Validity” means your Life e-Wallet validity is followed by the prepaid validity;
“e-Wallet Services” means the electronic money issuer and transfer service provided by MBits via Life e-Wallet;
“You” or “Your” means the person who is authorized to use the Life Service subject to these Terms and Conditions herein;
“Transfer” means, as the context permits, (a) the debiting of an amount of electronic money from your Life e-Wallet and purchase our Life plan or Life e-Wallet, in each case less any applicable Fees;
“Website” means the Life’s website, or such other website through which MBits may offer and manage the Life e-Wallet Services from time to time.
Life e-Wallet General Rules
These rules form an agreement between you and us, MBits Digital Sdn Bhd, whenever you use Life e-Wallet. You must read these rules carefully because they explain yours and MBits’ legal rights and duties to each other. If you use any of the services available on your Life e-Wallet, you accept that these rules apply to you.
Use of Life e-Wallet Services
The Life e-Wallet Services are made available by MBits to you at its sole and absolute discretion for the following purposes:
Payment for any purchase of goods and services via online Life’s website;
Deposit into your Life e-Wallet subject to the Life e-wallet Limit ;
To top-up own Life e-Wallet
You acknowledge and agree that you are only permitted to use the Life e-Wallet Services as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions or third-party terms and conditions applicable to the products and services, which may be posted from time to time in connection with such products and services.
You may view your Life e-Wallet Transactions at by logging into the Life’s website portal.
Period of Agreement
This agreement shall take effect from the Activation date of the mobile number and shall continue to be in force until terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Minimum Age Requirements
By subscribing or using to the Life Service, you warrant that you are at least twelve (12) years of age, and in any event, have parental consent to enter into this agreement, where although you are above twelve (12) years old, you remain under the legal age to enter into a contract.
These Rules Will Change From Time To Time
We can change these rules from time to time. We will tell you about changes that are important to the Life e-Wallet Services by putting a notice about this on the Life’s website. If you don’t agree to the changes you should not use the Life e-Wallet Services anymore. If you use the Life e-Wallet Services after we have given you this notice, we can assume that you have read, understood and agreed to these new rules.
Communicate with Customer Service Call Centre
Any information or communication about the Life e-Wallet Services, you may call to Life Customer Service Call Centre from 9am-6pm, 5 days a week. You may call +60 16-288 2034
Your Responsibility
You shall
Provide accurate and complete information to MBits and inform MBits immediately of any changes in any particulars of your personal information.
Ensure that you use Life Service and Life e-Wallet Services for your own personal use only;
Ensure the compatibility of your mobile device with Life’s system. In the event that changes and upgrades are introduced to Life’s system, you shall be responsible to ensure the continued compatibility of your mobile device and you shall have no claim whatsoever against MBits arising there form;
Comply with all notice or instruction given by MBits from time to time in relation to the use of the Life Service;
Be responsible for all equipment and software necessary to use the Life Service and also for the security and integrity of all information and data transmitted, disclosed and/or obtained through the use of the Life Service;
Be responsible for all usage of and charges for the Life Service including but not limited to payment of all the Life Service charges and any other related charges due to MBits pursuant to these Terms and Conditions in a timely manner;
Be fully responsible for any data transmitted or broadcasted by you or persons using your mobile device;
Comply with all applicable laws of Malaysia relating to the Life Service, including without limitation to the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and its subsidiary legislation, other acts, statutes, bylaws, rules and regulations issued by relevant government and regulatory agencies which may be amended from time to time;
Take all reasonable steps to prevent fraudulent, improper or illegal use of the Life Service
Cease to utilize the Life Service or any part thereof for such period as may be required by MBits;
Report immediately to MBits upon the discovery of any fraud, theft, loss, unauthorised usage or any other occurrence of unlawful acts in relation to the mobile device and its use. You agree to lodge a police report whenever instructed by MBits and to give MBits a certified copy of such report; and
Indemnify and shall keep indemnified MBits from any loss, damage, liability or expense, arising from any claims for libel, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright, patent, breach of confidence or privilege or breach of any law or regulation whatsoever arising from the content transmitted, received or stored via the Life Service or part thereof and for all other claims arising out of any act or omission of your or any unauthorized use or exploitation of the Life Service or part thereof;
Agrees, consents, allows and has no objection to MBits extracting personal information or any other data required to be used as evidence in court and/or when necessary in the event of a suspected and or proven misuse of the Life Service for you commercial gain purposes;
Comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;
Comply with all applicable laws of Malaysia relating to the Life Service, including without limitation to the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and its subsidiary legislation, other acts, statutes, bylaws, rules and regulations issued by relevant government and regulatory agencies which may be amended from time to time; and
Take all reasonable steps to prevent fraudulent, improper or illegal use of the Life Service
Cease to utilize the Life Service or any part thereof for such period as may be required by MBits;
Ensure that any instructions given to us via the Life Service are accurate and complete; and
Be responsible for all losses and payments (including the amount of any transaction carried out without your authority) if you have acted with gross negligence so as to facilitate that unauthorized transaction, or you have acted fraudulently. For the purposes of this clause, gross negligence shall be deemed to include failure to observe any of your security duties referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
You shall not:
Use the Life Service to cause embarrassment, distress, annoyance, irritation, harassment, inconvenience, anxiety or nuisance to any person;
use the Life Service for any unlawful purposes including but not limited to vice, gambling or other criminal purposes whatsoever or for sending to or receiving from any person any message which is offensive on moral, religious, communal or political grounds, or is abusive, defamatory or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character;
Use the Life Service for any purpose which is against public interest, public order or national harmony;
use, permit or cause to be used the Life Service improperly or for any activities which breach any laws, regulations, infringe a third party’s rights, or breach any directives, content requirements or codes promulgated by any relevant authority including activities which will require MBits to take remedial action under any applicable industry code or in a way interferes with other users or defames, harasses, menaces, restricts or inhibits any other use from using or enjoying the Life Service or the internet; or
Use the Life Service to transmit or post any content that contains any harmful, damaging or destructive programs;
use the Life Service to receive, access or transmit any content which is obscene, pornographic, threatening, racist, menacing, offensive, defamatory, in breach of confidence, in breach of any intellectual property right (including copyright) or otherwise objectionable or unlawful;
circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network or Life e-Wallet (referred to as “cracking” or “hacking”) nor interfere with service to any user, host or network (referred to as “denial of service attacks”) nor copy any pages or register identical keywords with search engines to mislead other users into thinking that they are reading MBits’ legitimate web pages (referred to as “pagejacking”),or use the Life Service for any other unlawful or objectionable conduct. Users who violate systems or network security may incur criminal or civil liability, and MBits will at its absolute discretion fully cooperate with investigations of suspected criminal violations, violation of systems or network security under the leadership of law enforcement or relevant authorities;
Use the Life Service to advertise or offer to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose without MBits’ written consent;
hack into, make excessive traffic demands, deliver or forward chain letters, “junk mail” or “spam” of any kind, surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or otherwise engage in any other behavior intended to inhibit other users from using and enjoying the Life Service or any other web site, or which is otherwise likely to damage or destroy MBits’ reputation or the reputation of any third-party;
use, display, mirror or frame the Life’s website, or any individual element within the Life’s website, MBits and/or Life’s name, any MBits and/or Life trademark, logo or other proprietary information, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page, without MBits’ express written consent;
Access, tamper with, or use nonpublic areas of the Life’s website, MBits’ computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of MBits’ providers;
Attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any MBits’ system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;
Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by MBits or any of MBits’ providers or any other third-party (including another user) to protect the Life Service or the products;
Attempt to download the Life Service through the use of any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than the software and/or search agents provided by MBits or other generally available third party web browsers;
Send any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, email, junk mail, spam, chain letters or other form of solicitation;
Use any meta tags or other hidden text or metadata utilizing a MBits and/or Life trademark, logo URL or product name without MBits’ express written consent;
Use the Life Service for any commercial purpose or the benefit of any third party or in any manner not permitted by these terms of use, unless expressly permitted;
Forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting, or in any way use the Life Service to send altered, deceptive or false source identifying information;
Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Life Service;
Interfere with, or attempt to interfere with, the access of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail bombing the Life’s website;
Collect or store any personally identifiable information from the Life Service from other users of the Life Service without their express permission;
Impersonate or misrepresent affiliation with any person or entity; or
directly or through the use of any device, software, internet site, web based service, or other means remove, alter, bypass, avoid, interfere with, or circumvent any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices marked on the products or any digital rights management mechanism, device, or other content protection or access control measure associated with the Life Service including geo filtering mechanisms.
MBits’ Rights
MBits reserves the right to make any alteration or changes to the Life Service and Life e-Wallet Services, or any part thereof, or suspend the Life Service and Life e-Wallet Services or any part thereof by way of a twenty-one (21) prior written notice sent via Life app messaging. MBits shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience resulting therefrom.
Unless otherwise notified or requested in writing by you, you agree and consent that MBits may send you notifications relating to promotional and marketing activities from time to time.
MBits may extract any details or personal information or any other data which is required to be used as evidence in court and/or when necessary in the event of a suspected and or proven misuse of the Life Service and Life e-Wallet Services upon the receipt of any valid order by competent authority and courts of law.
MBits may run campaigns/contest or promotions in relation to the Life Service or content that offered and managed by MBits from time to time. You agree that your participation in such campaign/contest/promotion shall be subject to the specific term’s conditions of such campaign/contest/promotion.
Proprietary Rights
All trademarks used on the Life Service are the trademark of MBits
You acknowledge and agree that the Life Service or any part thereof, whether presented to you by MBits, advertisers or any third party are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and laws. All rights are expressly reserved.
You are only allowed to use the Life Service as set out in the Terms and Conditions, and nothing on the Life Service shall be construed as conferring any license or other transfer of rights to you of any intellectual property of other proprietary or non-proprietary rights of MBits and/or Life.
Warranties and Responsibilities
You hereby undertake and warrant the following:
You shall provide any additional information which MBits may request from time to time, failing which it may result in the suspension or termination of the Life Service by MBits at its sole discretion;
The information provided by you may be held on a database and MBits may use, store, analyses and transfer and / or exchange such information with all such persons as may be considered necessary by MBits without reference to you;
You will not breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions;
You will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, notices, instructions or directives of the relevant authorities or any notices, instructions, directives, or guidelines given by MBits in connection with the Life Service;
You have not fraudulently registered a Life e-Wallet. If MBits discovers that you are impersonating another customer, whether an individual or another legal entity, you shall be responsible for any liability that may arise as a result of such fraudulent activity. Abusing the Life Service may result in immediate termination / suspension of the Life Service, and report to the relevant authorities You may be liable and/or punishable for criminal liability upon conviction;
You shall not use the Life Service for any illegal or immoral activity or activity against public policy under all applicable and relevant laws;
You shall be responsible for all your transactions and for keeping track of your Life e-Wallet. MBits may at its sole discretion provide you with any physical statement of Life e-Wallet and records of your transactions in respect of the Life e-Wallet;
The use of the Life Service is subject to such other applicable specific terms, conditions, rules and regulations as specified by Bank Negara Malaysia and / or any other regulatory or governmental authority;
The Life Service is not transferable or assignable to any third party without MBits’ written permission and shall be exclusively used by you. MBits shall not be liable for any costs, loss or damage (whether direct or indirect), or for loss of revenue, loss of profits or any consequential loss whatsoever as a result of your transferring or assigning the Life Service to any third party without MBits’ consent;
The Life e-Wallet and / or the Life Service cannot be pledged or used in any manner as any form of security instrument for any purpose whatsoever. MBits shall not be liable for any costs, loss or damage (whether direct or indirect), or for loss of revenue, loss of profits or any consequential loss whatsoever as a result of your using the Life Service as a form of security instrument whatsoever;
Be responsible for checking and verifying all transactions including, without limitation, the amount and recipient information. MBits shall not entertain any request to reverse a wrongful entry as a result of negligence.
Immediately notify MBits upon receipt of incomplete and inaccurate data, or information or any data or information, which is not intended from MBits or any doubtful information or message. You shall delete such data or information from your mobile device;
You hereby acknowledge that your name and MSISDN and such other personal information may be made available to another third party or bank for verification and other lawful purposes;
The Transaction being carried out is not always simultaneous with an instruction being given. Some matters may take time to process and certain instructions may only be processed during normal working hours, even though the Life e-Wallet Services may be accessible outside such hours;
If you are below the legal age for contracting, have obtained the requisite consent of your legal guardians. Note further that in the event of any claims for fraud, negligence, libel, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright, patent, breach of confidence or privilege or breach of any law or regulation whatsoever arising from the material transmitted, received or stored via the Life Service part thereof and from all other claims arising out of your use or exploitation of the Life Service or part thereof, MBits will join such legal guardian of yours as a joint defendant;
Upon agree that MBits can act on any instructions given to us even if these instructions were not authorized by you;
You request and authorize MBits to rely and act upon all apparently valid communications as instructions properly authorized by you, even if they may conflict with any other instructions given at any time concerning bill or service requirements; and
You acknowledge and agree that in entering into the Terms and Conditions you do not rely on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty or understanding (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person (whether party to the Terms and Conditions or not) other than as expressly set out in the Terms and Conditions as a warranty. Nothing in this clause shall, however, operate to limit or exclude any liability for fraud.
Fees and Charges
You shall pay the prevailing service fee and each of the Transaction charges for the Life Service and Life e-Wallet Services. The applicable fees and charges shall be based on MBits’ prevailing rates notified to you from time to time;
You shall be responsible for all related fees and / or charges imposed by the banks and/or payment service providers
You shall be responsible for any other charges for deposit, transaction and refund that MBits may impose from time to time.
You will need to provide all equipment necessary to access the Life Service on the Internet, and be liable for payment for your local telephone call and data charges at the rates published by the telephone operator with whom you make your local calls, or any other internet access charges to which you may be subjected to. If your equipment does not support relevant technology including but not limited to encryption, you may not be able to use certain Life Service or access certain information of the Life’s website.
This Life Service are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. MBits disclaims all liability and makes no express or implied representation or warranties of any kind in relation to the Life Service including but not limited to:
– Availability, accessibility, timeliness and uninterrupted use of the Life Service; And
– Sequence, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or the security of any data, information provided as part of the Life Service.MBits will use reasonable endeavors to ensure that the Life Service are secure and cannot be accessed by unauthorized third parties but does not warrant the security or confidentiality of any information transmitted through the system or such other equivalent system in any jurisdiction via the Life Service.
MBits shall not be liable or responsible to you and / or to any other third party(s) for any costs, loss or damages (whether direct or indirect), or for loss of revenue, loss of profits or any consequential loss whatsoever as a result of your usage of the Life Service.
MBits is not responsible for any transactions made through the Life Service. Any dispute, error and mistake in transactions must be resolved between you and the transacting party.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the maximum liability of MBits shall not exceed in aggregate the sum of Malaysian Ringgit Two Hundred (RM200) or an amount equivalent to the aggregate sum of balance and deposit (if any) of your Life e-Wallet at the date on which your claim arises, whichever is the lesser.
Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
If you discover any error or discrepancy in your Life e-Wallet, you must contact the Life Call Center within Sixty (60) days from the date of the disputed transaction, failing which, you shall be deemed to have accepted the accuracy of your Transaction.
If it is revealed in the course of MBits’ investigation that the disputed Transaction was indeed made in error, MBits will refund the disputed sum.
As far as practicable, refund request shall be processed between seven (7) to fourteen (14) working days upon valid acceptance of such request by MBits.
MBits reserves its absolute right not to refund any disputed amount if MBits believes that you have acted contrary to or against these Term and Conditions.
You hereby agree and consent to the disclosure and release by MBits of any information in the possession of MBits relating to you, the particulars of the transaction(s) or any designated Life e-Wallet relating to the transaction(s) for the purpose of investigating any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with the transaction(s) under the Life Service and/or Life e-Wallet Services which consent shall survive the termination of the Life Service.
You hereby agree that in the event of a dispute or claim of any nature arising in respect of any transaction, the records of the transaction(s) available from MBits shall be used as a reference and shall be the sole basis of settling the aforesaid dispute or claim.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts or competent tribunal governing MBits.
All refund documentations may be transmitted by mail/e-mail.
Fraudulent Use or Lost Mobile Device with Sim Card
You acknowledge that the Life Service are and always remains the property of MBits and you shall:
i. Exercise all due care and diligence in the custody, care and use of the Life Service; And
ii. Not tamper or allow anyone to tamper with the Life e-Wallet or the Life Service or Life e-Wallet Services.You must immediately notify Life’s customer service and report to the police or competent authority for any loss, fraud, suspected fraud, dishonest use or theft of your mobile device with LIFE Prepaid SIM card or illegal use of your Life e-Wallet. You will be liable for all charges incurred in relation to the lost / stolen mobile device with LIFE Prepaid SIM card or fraudulent use of the Life Service until we receive notification from you as stated above for disconnection of the Life Service.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, MBits may reject the use of the Life Service for effecting payment, if:
i. The Life Service are suspected to have been fraudulently issued, stolen or tampered with; or
ii. MBits determines that the use of the Life Service poses a risk to the Life’s system; and MBits shall not be liable for any loss, cost or damage suffered, if any, by you as a result thereof.
Refund Policy
If require a refund for any Transaction completed under the Life Service, contact the Life Customer Service Call Center at +60 16-288 2034 during working hour.
Upon the request of refund dispute of transaction is received, MBits will take seven (7) working days for checking the dispute of transaction.
Refund of Life e-Wallet credit balance (less any applicable fees) shall be completed within thirty (30) days upon the request for refund has been approved.
If MBits has denied the refund, (i) MBits will get member’s consent to withdraw the request of refund, or (ii) MBits will require subscriber to provide further information.
Termination and Suspension and Withdrawal
MBits may at its absolute discretion immediately terminate, suspend, the Life Service or change the procedures, the mode of operation of the Life Service without giving any reason or notice thereof.
MBits reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to immediately suspend / terminate your use of the Life Service for any reason, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
if in the opinion of MBits, you have indulged or involved in any dishonest, fraudulent, illegal and / or criminal conduct or misrepresentation pertaining to the Life Service;
if in breach of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or have engaged in any conduct prejudicial to MBits;
if in breach of any acts, statutes, laws, bylaws, rules and / or regulations imposed by any party, regulatory body, or government agency;
if you have submitted false documents or have declared false information during your application for the Life Service;
If you have acted with bad or malicious intent; and / or
MBits is of the opinion that your acts are prejudicial to MBits and/or Life’s interest.
The Life Service will be terminated automatically if the Life e-Wallet has been terminated or expired due to MSISDN has been terminated (as the case may be) and / or your agreement with MBits is terminated or expired
You may, at any time; or upon termination of the Life Service, request the withdrawal by contacting MBits.
Withdrawal of Life e-Wallet credit balance (less any applicable fees) shall be completed upon receipt of duly completed Service Request Form (Life e-Wallet Withdrawal), and photocopy of Registered Owner NRIC/Passport /Police/Military Identification.
In the event where withdrawal amount is to be deposited to a third party bank account, additional supporting documents as per the followings may be required;
Administration Letter or relevant court order and/or any other legal documentation which is sufficient to do so in the opinion of MBits;
Death Certificate of Registered Owner and/or;
Authorization Letter from Registered Owner and/or;
Photocopy of Registered Owner NRIC/Passport /Police/Military Identification and/or;
Photocopy of Third-Party NRIC/Passport /Police/Military Identification.
No withdrawal may be processed unless request for withdrawal with complete documentation is received within a period of six (6) months upon termination.
All Life e-Wallet withdrawal request form and documentations may be transmitted by hand/mail/fax/e-mail.
Withdrawal of Life e-Wallet credit balance (less any applicable fees) shall be completed within thirty (30) days upon receipt of duly completed Service Request Form (Life e-Wallet Withdrawal), and documents required.
Life e-Wallet is followed by the MSISDN; you cannot terminate on Life e-Wallet itself unless and until you terminate or cease to use the Life Service absolutely or upon termination by MBits. Amendment and Modification of the Terms and Conditions.
Amendment and Modification of the Terms and Conditions
MBits reserves the right at its absolute discretion, from time to time, to vary, add to or otherwise amend these Terms and Conditions or any part thereof by way of a thirty (30) days’ notice period. Your use and continued use of the Life Service after the effective date of any variation, addition or amendments to these Terms and Conditions shall constitute your unconditional acceptance of such variations, additions or amendment. You are advised to visit the Life’s website from time to time to keep updated of the latest variation to the Terms and Conditions (if any) which may or may not be specifically notified to you.
MBits may, in its sole discretion, serve with a notice under these Terms and Conditions by posting such a notice on the Life’s website or any other online or other medium, which MBits may introduce from time to time.
You hereby agree to fully indemnify and to hold MBits harmless from and against any claim brought by a third party resulting from the use of the Life’s website and the Life Service by you and in respect of all losses, costs, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, expenses (including reasonable legal costs and expenses), or liabilities, whatsoever suffered, or incurred directly or indirectly by MBits inconsequence of such use of the Life’s website and the Life Service, or breach or non-observance of any of the Terms and Conditions.
You shall defend and pay all costs, damages, awards, fees (including any reasonable legal fees) and judgments awarded against MBits arising from the above claims, and shall provide MBits with notice of such claims, full authority to defend, compromise or settle such claims, and reasonable assistance necessary to defend such claims, at your sole expense.
Inquiries or Complaints
For further information and further inquiries on the Life Service, please contact Life’s careline at +60 16-288 2034.
Force Majeure
Without limiting the generality of any provision in these Terms and Conditions, MBits shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations herein caused by an act of God, insurrection or civil disorder, pandemic, diseases outbreak, military operations or act of terrorism, all emergency, acts or omission of Government, or any competent authority, labour strike, trouble or industrial disputes of any kind, fire, lightning, subsidence, explosion, floods, acts or omission of persons or bodies for whom MBits has no control over or any cause outside MBits’ reasonable control.
You shall remain liable to pay all fees and charges which are outstanding and/or due and payable to MBits despite termination of Life Service due to Force Majeure.
The Life Service may occasionally be affected by interference caused by objects beyond MBits’ control such as buildings, underpasses and weather or atmospheric conditions, electromagnetic interference, equipment failure or congestion in MBits’ system or telecommunication systems. In the event of such interference, MBits shall not be responsible for any inability to use or access the Life Service, interruption or disruption of the Life Service.
Severability and Effect of these Terms and Conditions
If any of the provision herein contained should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable under any applicable law, the legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired in any way and such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be deemed deleted.
MBits’ failure to exercise any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions, shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision, unless acknowledged and agreed to by MBits in writing.